

Gerrit Hübbers

  • Login: wefjiu
  • Registered on: 2019-06-28
  • Last sign in: 2025-01-22


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 2 5



09:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #100947 (Closed): Workspace preview in slider mode lets the "staged version" shine through behind "published version" when CSS background(-color) is not set
(TYPO3 and all extensions on version @v11.5.27@)
If a page's CSS does not have for the @body@ element the @backgro...
Gerrit Hübbers


19:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #100117 (New): Content modification takes place in wrong workspace if user switches to different workspace concurrently
Using workspaces v11.5.24
Content creation/modification intented to happen within a workspace *A* actually gets cr...
Gerrit Hübbers


17:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #100046: Creating a link within an RTE CKEditor table cell without having any text selected merges this table cell with a neighboring cell
This bug is not reproducible in standalone CKEditor 4 (TYPO3 11's CKEditor IMHO is based on CKEditor in Version 4): ... Gerrit Hübbers
17:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #100046 (Closed): Creating a link within an RTE CKEditor table cell without having any text selected merges this table cell with a neighboring cell
fluid_styled_content v11.5.24
rte_ckeditor v11.5.24
When editing a content element with CKEditor, when a...
Gerrit Hübbers


10:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #87184: Adding files in content elements opened by reference link modal not possible
I can confirm this bug still exists in TYPO3 11.5.19. I can reproduce it with . Gerrit Hübbers


15:35 TYPO3 Core Task #97059: Removal of re-login popup functionality
> that's why there is a global ! option to disable the popup
I read this statement that versions 11 and older alre...
Gerrit Hübbers


07:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #98172: Translate button still appearing despite all content elements being connected, page being in Connected Mode
Oliver Hader wrote in #note-3:
> This is a duplicate of #97763, isn't it?
By now I think: yes, _this_ is a duplic...
Gerrit Hübbers


12:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #97763: Translation Button shown eventhough already translated
With "patch set 7", the issue from "patch set 1" found by Oliver ( Gerrit Hübbers


16:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #98172 (Needs Feedback): Translate button still appearing despite all content elements being connected, page being in Connected Mode
Using TYPO3 11.5.13.
On a translated page, even when all translated content elements are language-connected with d...
Gerrit Hübbers


09:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #88690: Translated content elements are not available in linkbrowser of the ckeditor in free mode
TYPO3 11.5.13 (and earlier 11 versions) also has the problem of only adding anchor links to the original language con... Gerrit Hübbers

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