Bug #88690
openTranslated content elements are not available in linkbrowser of the ckeditor in free mode
If you want to set an intern anchor for a translated content element on a free mode translated page in TYPO3 9 then you can't choose the translated content elements via linkbrowser in ckeditor, you can only select content elements in the default language.
In TYPO3 8 all content elements were listed, translated and non translated, but this have changed with TYPO3 9.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #89701: Link wizard lists only content elements of the default language added
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 4 years ago
- Related to Feature #90138: Language and mode (free or connected) should be handled in the links module when creating an anchor to content added
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #91160: Links to content element (anchor) in link wizard not possible when not in default language added
Updated by Sandra Pohl about 4 years ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 9 to 10
Hi everyone,
is there an update on this topic?
Still an issue in TYPO3 version 10.
Best wishes
Updated by Arne Uplegger over 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #88382: Link wizard lists all content elements of a page regardless of source language added
Updated by Dennis no-lastname-given over 3 years ago
Is there a current status on this? Or is the solution still via manual intervention?
Best Regards
Updated by Steffen Thiede about 3 years ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 9 to 10
Hi everyone,
is there any new information regarding this issue?
Thanks a lot
Updated by Thomas K about 3 years ago
Ronny Hauptvogel wrote:
If you want to set an intern anchor for a translated content element on a free mode translated page in TYPO3 9 then you can't choose the translated content elements via linkbrowser in ckeditor, you can only select content elements in the default language.
In TYPO3 8 all content elements were listed, translated and non translated, but this have changed with TYPO3 9.
Steffen Thiede wrote in #note-8:
Hi everyone,
is there any new information regarding this issue?
Thanks a lot
Ronny Hauptvogel wrote:
If you want to set an intern anchor for a translated content element on a free mode translated page in TYPO3 9 then you can't choose the translated content elements via linkbrowser in ckeditor, you can only select content elements in the default language.
In TYPO3 8 all content elements were listed, translated and non translated, but this have changed with TYPO3 9.
Steffen Thiede wrote in #note-8:
Hi everyone,
is there any new information regarding this issue?
Thanks a lot
Hey folks,
hopefully I'm not doing sth wrong with that. I'm trying comment, that I also have the problem and that the problem not only exists in rte but in all view where the PageLinkHandler is used. If you try to set a anchor link then it only takes the default page id into account. If I see that correctly the logic is to grab the page record by its pid (which is the default language page id) and get the language out of it. Therefore you never get a page tree of a translation.
This bug occurs in my installation of TYPO3 10.4.21 (latest at the moment of writing that comment)
Please correct me if anything is wrong. Thx.
Updated by Alexander Stehlik about 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #92809: Anchor Links in Link Wizard not translated correctly added
Updated by Benni Mack almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Maybe you want to check https://github.com/b13/link2language as this basically does this properly and works with v9 up. Is this what you wanted?
Updated by Gerrit Hübbers over 2 years ago
TYPO3 11.5.13 (and earlier 11 versions) also has the problem of only adding anchor links to the original language content element IDs. Therefore, in-page anchor links set up with the Link Browser don't work on translated pages.
Updated by Alexander Weber over 2 years ago
I have the same problem like Gerrit in TYPO3 11. The extension https://github.com/b13/link2language does not build Anchor Links and is unfortunately no solution for this problem.
Updated by Alexander Weber over 2 years ago
I changed in dev-master of EXT:link2languages on line 123 in PageLinkHandler.php from
$queryBuilder->createNamedParameter([0, -1], Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
$queryBuilder->createNamedParameter([0, ...$languageIdsToFindFreeModeItems, -1], Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
and can now select the content elements from the other freeMode languages in the linkbrowser.
Updated by Alexander Weber over 2 years ago
This could also be a simple solution/workaround.
<f:if condition="{data.l18n_parent} > 0">
<a id="c{data.l18n_parent}"></a>
Updated by Heinz Schilling about 2 years ago
We have installed the EXT:link2language and it solves our problem. Thanks a lot.
We were just wondering that the extension is available in the TYPO3 repository only in an outdated version. Is there any reason not to update the officially available extension?
Updated by Sybille Peters about 2 years ago
@Heinz Schilling That depends on the extension authors / maintainers. I have asked in this issue (since I am interested in this extensions too): https://github.com/b13/link2language/issues/16
They have not released a version with v11 yet. The latest is 2.0.0 (from Jul 19, 2021):
The latest "master" supports v11:
- composer: https://github.com/b13/link2language/blob/master/composer.json
- ext_emconf.php: https://github.com/b13/link2language/blob/master/ext_emconf.php
(It might help if some people test with v11 and comfirm it is working).
Hope this helps.
Updated by Benni Mack about 2 years ago
Heinz Schilling wrote in #note-16:
We have installed the EXT:link2language and it solves our problem. Thanks a lot.
We were just wondering that the extension is available in the TYPO3 repository only in an outdated version. Is there any reason not to update the officially available extension?
I just released a new version https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/link2language
Updated by Sybille Peters almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Changing back to "new" as feedback was asked for and given about link2language.
Also, would suggest to use category "Link handling, site handling & routing" since it is not so much ckeditor specific.