

Cyrill Gsell

  • Login: rtp-cgs
  • Registered on: 2020-01-06
  • Last sign in: 2024-11-28


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



10:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #105596 (Resolved): IRRE field with minitems set shows all child fields as invalid
When creating a new content element which contains a irre-field with minitems set, all child fields of the irre eleme... Cyrill Gsell


13:02 TYPO3 Core Task #103028 (Closed): Refactoring DefaultTcaSchema to reduce redundant code
I would like to simplify the TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\DefaultTcaSchema class by replacing all the "foreach ($ta... Cyrill Gsell


06:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #100847: Add the missing Font Plugin to CKEditor build
I saw you added various plugins to the CKEditor including the TableCaption, thank you for the effort!
Do you know ye...
Cyrill Gsell


18:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #100847: Add the missing Font Plugin to CKEditor build
I have a related issue, I would like to use the TableCaption plugin which seems to be missing in the CKEditor build u... Cyrill Gsell


07:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #98339: TCA inline file with maxitems to 1, can't add new one after deleting the image
The issue seems to come from this commit: Cyrill Gsell


07:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #97189 (Closed): Undefined variable $optionValue in FinisherOptionsFlexFormOverridesConverter
In this class there is a undefined variable $optionValue which leads to a php warning.
Cyrill Gsell


12:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #96288: TCA type category not editable/shown for editors if startingPoints are set
I have the same problem, it happens when you set a spartingPoint in the TCA and set the same starting point as a cate... Cyrill Gsell

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