Bug #100118
closedAdd warning modal before executing ext_tables_static+adt.sql
Extensions might contain a file named "ext_tables_static+adt.sql" (Documentation). In short, this allows to create static data per SQL.
If this file exists, a button is automatically created in the Extension Manager.
As soon as you click the button, the static SQL data will be imported. Existing data will be dropped.
A new modal should warn the user before executing the file, with buttons to start or abort the task.
Furthermore, the button's titles can be misleading:
- "Nothing has changed since last import. You might want to reload static database data."
- "The static database data has changed. You should re-import the data."
Might or even should will highly depend on the individual use case of the static data. If it is only used to kickstart an extension setup once, you will not want to replace the existing and probably modified data in your database (even if the extension added something to the SQL subsequently).