Bug #100940
closedExtbase Exception The default controller for extension "Form" and plugin "Formframework" can not be determined when circular redirect
When a page containing a extbase plugin is renamed from "Page A" to "Page B", then back to "Page A", a circular redirect is created.
In that case, using a form plugin for instance, the following exception is raised :
The default controller for extension "Form" and plugin "Formframework" can not be determined.
Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.
Updated by Stefan Bürk over 1 year ago
- Category set to Link Handling & Redirect Handling
Updated by RVVN no-lastname-given over 1 year ago
After further investigation, it seems to come from Flux extension.
Actual TER version breaks all Extbase plugin in a page with circular redirection.
When using the latest development version, there's no more exception.
Updated by Ralf Hübner over 1 year ago
I have a similar strange problem. I use felogin with a custom authentification service (external sso). If a user tries to log in this similar exception appears (maybe the first extension in the "order"). With reload the page the user is loggend in without any errors.
If I deactivate the extension that supposedly causes the error (the first in the "order"), then the next one (felogin) has the problem.
If I deactivate the custom auth service in ext_localconf (ExtensionManagementUtility::addService( ... available => false) and the login with locally users works without errors.
Updated by Stefan Bürk over 1 year ago
@Ralf Hübner
Does your custom auth service does use any kind of extbase ? (repository/model) ? If yes, remove it. Won't work. To early for extbase.
Updated by Ralf Hübner over 1 year ago
Thank you very much, that was helpful:
Indeed I have added static-info-country repro to the auth service because I have to determine between iso2/iso3 country code.
I had already tried to rollback my code but it won´t work neither - maybe due a cache issue.
Now I have removed all code of dependency incjection and deleted var/cache manually and after that it works again!
Updated by Stefan Bürk over 1 year ago
Ralf Hübner wrote in #note-7:
Thank you very much, that was helpful:
Indeed I have added static-info-country repro to the auth service because I have to determine between iso2/iso3 country code.
I had already tried to rollback my code but it won´t work neither - maybe due a cache issue.
Now I have removed all code of dependency incjection and deleted var/cache manually and after that it works again!
V12 comes with core integrated countries. If I remember right, Georg Ringe has a backport of that to v11
as extension. So instead of using static_info_table/extbase you may require that extension and do your check with that ?
Updated by Stefan Bürk over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I'm closing this issue, as it was related to having extbase / extbase DI
in a middleware which leads to this fact.
Extbase DI is not suitable in such cases and not supported for that case.
Updated by Rémy DANIEL over 1 year ago
In our case, the issue was solved (or worked around) by deleting circular sys_redirects.