



Bug #102007


Typolink creates 404 links to doktype 254

Added by Claus Harup about 1 year ago. Updated 6 months ago.

Should have
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Having an editor linking to a page [uid=11] in the pagetree using bodytext rte leads to dead links over various TYPO3 versions when the destination page [uid=11] gets it's doktype changed to either 254 (folder) og 255 (recycler) afterwards....

TYPO3 v.9 :
doktype 1: link created
doktype 254: no link created
doktype 255: no link created

TYPO3 v.10 :
doktype 1: link created
doktype 254: link created and leads to 404
doktype 255: no link created

TYPO3 v.11 :
doktype 1: link created
doktype 254: link created and leads to 404
doktype 255: no link created

TYPO3 v.12 :
doktype 1: link created
doktype 254: link created and leads to 404
doktype 255: no link created

It seams like something has changed in version 10.

Actions #1

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 6 months ago

I tried the following test with

  • TYPO3 11.5.35
  • 12.4.14
  • 13.1.0-dev(latest main) (*)

1) Create a page "test-to-sysfolder", doktype 1 (standard page)
2) Create a page "test-to-recycler", doktype 1 (standard page)
3) Create a page "test", doktype 1 (standard page);
3.1) on the page create a "standard text" content element
3.2) inside the text put the following lines:

<p>link to test to sysfolder</p>
<p>link to test to recycler</p>

3.3) with the "link" button, link the first line to the page created at point 1) and the second line to the page created at point 2)
4) Save it and visit the page "test" with another browser (e.g. in incognito mode)


both links are working and lead to the respective pages > OK

5) edit the page "test-to-sysfolder" and change its doktype to 254 (sysfolder), save it
6) edit the page "test-to-recycler" and change its doktype to 255 (recycler), save it
* Note: point 6) cannot be executed on TYPO3 13 because the recycler doktype has been removed

7) visit the page "test" with another browser (e.g. in incognito mode)

results for TYPO3 11 and 12

  • the link "link to test to sysfolder" to the page "test-to-sysfolder" is still present and leads to a 404 page
  • the link "link to test to recycler" to the page "test-to-recycler" has been removed

results for TYPO3 13

  • the link "link to test to sysfolder" to the page "test-to-sysfolder" is still present but it leads to the home page
    NOTE: I don't know if it is related to my installation

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