Bug #102505
openwrong routing after succesful call of an action in extbase-controller (with example-Extension)
I have a form, which contains more than one pages. The user should be allowed to bookmark every page of the form, so that he can finish his work at the next day. TYPO3 did not produce the correct link in the browser-adressline.
Reproduce the unexpected routing
1. Install Extension (plus TYPO3 11 and plus your own sitepackage i.e. with composer as `"monsun/bugtest": "^1.0"`
2. Define routing in site-Config (see fragment in /bugtest/SiteConfig/sites/bugtest/config.yaml)
3. Update models in Database
4. Add Plugin “bugtest_routingtest” on testpage
5. Open Testpage in the frontend.
6. Create a new Testmodel.
7. Use the edit-Link in the list-view.
8. Press the button ‘update and go to EditTwo-view/action’ in the edit-view
After doing step 8 you will arrive the editTwo-View. The browser will show an unreadable link in its adressline. The link looks something like this `https://mypage.ddev.site/testrouting?tx_bugtest_routingtest%5Baction%5D=update&tx_bugtest_routingtest%5Bcontroller%5D=Testmodel&cHash=caf03268fea2493bc9302787200df133`
I expected a link, which looks something like 'this https://mypage.ddev.site/testrouting/bugedittwo/1?cHash=dbe3b40227268c9b4619ce5c12e03ebe'.
(TYPO3 cann prdouce this link `https://one-job.ddev.site/testrouting/bugedittwo/1?cHash=dbe3b40227268c9b4619ce5c12e03ebe` expected for EditTwo-Action. See the generated link in the plugin-template.)
The automatically generated link shows, that the site-configuration seems to work correctly. The routing generation in the rendering-process of the plugin seems to be wrong.
Remark: If you remove the `action=”update”` in the <f:form> in `Edit.html` and/or `EditTwo.html`, TYPO3 will produce a link something like the following `https://one-job.ddev.site/testrouting/list`, which is not really helpful.