Feature #103639
openRecord Info: Show workspace in reference list
An editor wants to delete a file, but couldn't, because it shows a reference. In the referencing element the file reference is not visible - it's only visible in a workspace.
In the list of record references the workspace name/number would be a nice addition. The record edit link then could also contain the workspace (don't know if possible)
Updated by Christoph Lehmann 10 months ago
- Subject changed from Record Info: Show workspace in references to Record Info: Show workspace in reference list
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 6 months ago
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- TYPO3 with at least one workspace "DRAFT"
- a page
1. Upload an image in a /fileadmin/ subfolder
2. in LIVE workspace, go to a page and create a "Images Only" CE; do not add the image ; save and close
3. switch to DRAFT workspace
4. go to the CE created at point 2, add the image added at point 1; save and close
5. switch again to LIVE workspace
6. Go to Filelist module
1. the image referenced at point 4. indeed has a reference listed (column "Ref")
2. if you open the "info" popup (kebab menu > info); the "References to this item" section lists the CE in which the images has been added
3. if you click on the pencil icon to edit it, no reference is shown (that's to be expected as we're in LIVE workspace and the reference has been set in DRAFT workspace
4. if you switch to DRAFT workspace, instead the reference is present.