Bug #12015
Depth drop down / Filters
Added by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
Besides taht the arrangement looks a bit unordered, the following behavior is bad:
- Changing the depth-dropdown does nothing, clicking "Refresh display" is required
- Clicking one of the Internal/File/External filters sets depth to "This page"
Related: The value of the depth-dropdown also resets when changing pages.
Hi Steffen,
I saw you used the linkvalidator version which is included in TYPO3 beta3.
Our updates are done in the repository here in trunk. Later the changes are merged. That also is the reason why many of the issues you reported already are solved. :-)
Now a
long detailled explanation on the points you mention:
- That clicking the depth drop down does nothing is by design. This was different before and has been changed in #10736.
I don't know why. But I think it makes sense, because you have two options what you can do with the chosen page levels. You can either click on "Refresh view" to update what you see from cache or to click "Check links" to check the links again now. Since we do not know, what the user wants to do, I think it is better to have the automatic refresh removed. It would be annoying, if the display refreshed and showed you the links, while you wanted to update them.
So I think that is OK, but as you describe it, I also found it confusing, so:
- I also had the impression that it was not clear, what the buttons should do and how they are connected with the dropdown. Therefore I added an explanation above. It tells you to choose a depth and then to do the action you want. I think that is a good solution. Fixed in #11799.
- Also the module was not structured clearly (enough). This confused me when I used it for the first time. I seperated the different sections by giving each an own headline and by adding a fitting margin. Fixed in #11813.
- Additionally I added CSH labels to display the user a small help. This should especially make the meaning of the columns "Type" and "Link" more clear. Fixed in #11777.
- Clicking one of the Internal/File/External filters or changing the page does no longer set the depth to "This page". Fixed in #11812.
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Sorry für the duplicates, checked it out to typo3conf/ext/ but TYPO3 obviously didn't use it.
Can be closed, rest in private discussion.
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
- Category set to Linkvalidator
- Project changed from 1510 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Linkvalidator to Linkvalidator
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