



Bug #14215


Warning: exec(): Unable to fork during install

Added by old_gvargas about 20 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

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The following error is shown duting the typo3 instalation (upgrade)
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [/convert.exe] in D:\www\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_install.php on line 1845

Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [/combine.exe] in D:\www\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_install.php on line 1845

Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [/composite.exe] in D:\www\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_install.php on line 1845

Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [/identify.exe] in D:\www\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_install.php on line 1845

system: MS Windows Server 2003
IIS 6.0
ImageMagick 4.29
PHP: 4.37
Path C:\PHP\ImageMagick
Note: IUSR**** set with read/exec permissions
I already tried to add cmd to the php path but I get "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers"

(issue imported from #M179)


0000179-diff.txt (872 Bytes) 0000179-diff.txt Administrator Admin, 2004-07-14 04:55
0000179-class.tx_install.php.diff (1.35 KB) 0000179-class.tx_install.php.diff Administrator Admin, 2004-08-20 00:34
Actions #1

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

I also had this error on the same environment recently.

I found out that you have to give permission for the IIS user (IUSR) to read and execute cmd.exe (usually in c:\windows\system32).

I guess PHP does not execute its target directly, but indirectly through cmd.exe.

Actions #2

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

The install script could check for this situation and give a warning.

Actions #3

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht almost 20 years ago

Please make a suggestion.

Actions #4

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

The install script already tries to prevent errors by issuing warnings if it doesn't have read and write permission to several directories.

I think it could also issue a warning if: (A) it is running on Windows and (B) it doesn't have read and execute permission for the command interpreter (WINDOWS PATH\system32\cmd.exe).

I know this is not very important. But I think if Typo3 can be installed more easily by people that are not Linux and PHP experts, its user base will grow.

If this makes sense to you let me know, I may try to implement it.

Actions #5

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht almost 20 years ago

Yes, it does make sense to me.
So go ahead!
- thanks a lot in advance!

Actions #6

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

Just an update: I've started working on it.

Actions #7

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

I'm submitting a patch for the file class.t3lib_install.php version 3.6.2.

This bugfix will issue a warning and an explanation if while running in a Windows system the exec() function returns error.

Actions #8

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

This patch will be inserted at the bottom of the checkImageMagick() function. I think this is the better place because this issue affects specifically ImageMagick.

Actions #9

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

Tested under Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server.

Actions #10

Updated by old_facorreia almost 20 years ago

I'd like to know if my proposal has been reviwed.

Actions #11

Updated by Michael Stucki almost 20 years ago

OK I've added a small change to your patch so that a non-executable cmd will cause [BE][disable_exec_function] to become true (just like in case of safe-mode enabled).

Can you please check if this works?
Well, after looking at it again I think this won't work (have no Windows so I cannot test it).

See line 2232 of the patched file. To me this looks like disable_exec_function will never be set to true because $this->config_array["safemode"] has not been set yet. (Same for $this->config_array["cmd_exec"] which I have added.)

@Ingmar: Can you please have a look at the above?

Actions #12

Updated by old_clonedyke over 19 years ago

anyone already noticed that "Unable to fork [/convert.exe] in ..." thing is probably not an error message of IM but of win2k3 instead?
you could for example convert(.exe) one disk filesystem to another (FAT to NTFS) if you wish, but this requires special user rights...

bearbeitet am: 24.11.04 09:15

Actions #13

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst almost 18 years ago


Actions #14

Updated by Peter Niederlag almost 18 years ago

last feedback is from 11/2004. we believe this is some problem/misconfiguration of the environment.

If you still feel this is a bug on behalf of TYPO3 please reopen.


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