Bug #14405
closedCSH translation tool (llxmltranslate) produces invalid HTML output for Firefox users
the descriptions or captions for images within the CSH are displayed incorrect for with Firefox if there are additional text attributes like <b>, <strong>, <em>, <u> and so on. the generated text shows the tags itself and does not add the attributes to the enclosed terms.
as a first hint to debug this: image descriptions for all CSH images are always rendered in italics. perhaps Firefox does not aggregate HTML text attributes properly.
this bug does not occur with Internet Explorer.
from within Firefox:
using the llxmltranslate tool from kasper (available only to translators and core developers), choose
1. any image description label on the translation server and
2. enter something like this "this is a <strong>very</strong> important text!" and
3. preview the output.
as you can see: the tags are preserved and displayed as they were typed in.
(issue imported from #M535)