



Feature #14411


Context menu layer on does not work on Mac

Added by Peter Niederlag about 20 years ago. Updated over 18 years ago.

Should have
Backend API
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This menu works without problems on Mac, with a Mozilla based browser.
Maybe it should be activeted for that platform on a next release of
Typo3... ;) I'm sure it will be appreciated...

For the moment, you can remove the detection at line 350 of the typo3/template.php file. Change this:

return !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['disableCMlayers'] &&

To this:

return !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['disableCMlayers'] &&

And it works like a dream...

Bug #0000486 is related to this one and contains a patch!
(issue imported from #M542)


0000542-cm_jserror_opera_mac.jpg (22 KB) 0000542-cm_jserror_opera_mac.jpg Administrator Admin, 2004-11-25 11:26

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of TYPO3 Core - Feature #14384: Context-Menu on Mac-BrowsersClosedMichael Stucki2004-11-11

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Stucki about 20 years ago

If we change this, then we need to be sure that it won't break other browsers.

- Which browsers work fine with the change? Which don't?
- Are there any differences with some browser versions?
- Please don't test the first menu level, also check the "More options..." submenu.
- Some have said it fails on Opera. Why does it work on Opera/Windows?

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-David Gadina about 20 years ago

Ok, so here are complete tests on Mac (OSX 10.3), as requested:

Browser: Mozilla
Version: 1.7.3
Problems: None
- -
Browser: Firefox
Version: 1.0
Problems: None
Browser: Netscape
Version: 7.0.5
Problems: None
Browser: Internet Explorer
Version: 5.2.3
Problems: None
Note: The second level menu is drawn correctly on this version. This is the last realease of the browser. It's not developped for the Mac platform anymore.
Browser: Safari
Version: 1.2.4
Problems: Roll-Out problem. The menu (level 1 & 2) are functionnal, but the rollout feature doesn't work, so the menu items stay highligted.
Browser: Camino (was Chimera)
Version: 0.8.1
Problems: None
Browser: OmniWeb
Version: 5.0.1
Problems: Same problem as Safari, and the second level does not display.
Note: This browser is a complete nightmare with the T3 backend. Takes a few minutes just to load the page tree, some parts of the backend are not displayed correctly.
Browser: Opera
Version: 6.0.3
Problems: The full menu doesn't work. Nothing is displayed.
Note: Screenshot added by request of Michael Stucki.
- -

If you need more informations, just tell me. : )

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-David Gadina about 20 years ago

More facts about Opera:

The last release is 7.5.4.
The menu is displaying, but when you try to click on an item, it disappears...
No JavaScript error is detected in the console.

Actions #4

Updated by Christian Trabold about 20 years ago

Opera is working quite ok here - no problems, even with the secondary options.

Version information
Version 7.50
Build 1786
Platform MacOS X
System 10.3.6

I tested tested the context-menu in 'classic'-env and this is the result:

Mozilla 1.0 [WORKING]

Opera 6 [NOT WORKING; could not log into the BE]
NS Commander [NOT WORKING]

Actions #5

Updated by old_bartv about 20 years ago

For related information about a fix on Mac OSX, see #14384

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Stucki almost 20 years ago

Fixed in CVS HEAD. See bug #0000486.


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