Feature #14653
closedAdd onBlur and onFocus functionality
I think it would be a good thing to add onBlur and onFocus functionality to the cObj FORM and standart FORM content type. This will made forms more user friendly and dymanic.
Necessary thing when sending such a form is to check if values are still default values or not.
(issue imported from #M956)
Updated by Michael Stucki over 19 years ago
I see bad chances for this one:
- I don't see the sense of it yet
- There is no patch for it
Updated by Michael Scharkow over 19 years ago
Agreed, and I would not like more JS included by default so this would have to be optional. Definitely not a show stopper for 3.8
Updated by Dmytro over 19 years ago
I do not mind from this.
It was just a suggestion for a "feature" :)
I will try to modify the sources and send you later. But though this is not necessary.
Should I change the status to closed or can this issue be open so far?
Updated by Michael Stucki over 19 years ago
Hi Mr. Spam!
I will try to modify the sources and send you later. But though this is not necessary.
That's right, it is not necessary, but consider that anyone will prefer to fix bugs instead of implementing new features which he doesn't find useful. So if you write a patch this might increase the chances to get your change in.
Should I change the status to closed or can this issue be open so far?
Just keep it open.
- michael
Updated by Ingo Renner over 16 years ago
no feedback for over 3 years. #bugday-200807