



Bug #14738


hardcoded <p> tags inside table cels

Added by Pieter about 19 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
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All content inside a tabel is embedded in <p> tags. If the content of the table cel starts with <div ...>, that first div is replaced with a <p ...> .
It's not possible to have clean HTML output.

This code inside an editor (RTE of htmlarea RTE or RTE disabled):
<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="1" border="0" >
<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">VOOR</span><br/>
<div style="text-align: center;">

results in this on the web page:
<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="1" border="0" class="contenttable">
<tr >
<td >
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">VOOR</span><br/>
<div style="text-align: center;"></p>

The first <div ...> is suddenly a <p ...>. A </p> is added at the end
of the table.

(issue imported from #M1081)


2005-10-18_bugfix_1081.patch (866 Bytes) 2005-10-18_bugfix_1081.patch Administrator Admin, 2005-10-18 13:21

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #14190: CSS_Styled_Content: TABLE should be more configurableClosedSebastian Kurfuerst2004-06-01

Actions #1

Updated by Oliver Klee about 19 years ago

Is this a dupe of bug 0000131 (or related to it)?

BTW, I've written an extension as a workaround:

Actions #2

Updated by Pieter about 19 years ago

I did post this bug under [- TYPO3 Core -] because I still have the same problem without css_styled_content installed (using the static template 'GREEN' to test this). Did some tests without any RTE installed with the same result: <div ...> turns into <p ...> on the website.

Actions #3

Updated by Oliver Klee about 19 years ago

Now my extension removes P tags from tables within regular text content, too.

Actions #4

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

which extensions do you use @Pieter ? It looks like we have two different issues here. One is that there is an empty p-tag in CSS-styled-content -tables.
I will provide a fix for this one, but I am not sure why the div is converted to p. To get rid of this bug, I need some more information..

- which extensions do you have installed which modify frontend output behavior?(css_styled_imgtext, ...)
- can you post all your xclasses? you can find them in tools->configuration->TYPO3_CONF_VARS->FE->XCLASS
- please post what you can find in TYPO3_CONF_VARS->EXTCONF->css_styled_content (in the configuration module as well)

Greets, Sebastian

Actions #5

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

The patch removes the <p > -Tags in <td> from CSS-Styled-Content. If you need this anyways, insert the following line to your TypoScript Setup:

tt_content.table.20.innerStdWrap.wrap = < p >|< /p>

By default, there are no <p>-Tags inside <td>-Tags anymore. If you need this, activate it again with
tt_content.table.20.innerStdWrap.wrap = < p >|< /p>

Actions #6

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

resolved in CVS by a big change in CSC and an update wizard.


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