



Bug #15859


sysfolder icon

Added by bartoszx over 18 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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I think that color of sysfolder should be a little bit different than normal page.
it is very difficult to recognize the type of page on high res screen like 1600x1200

(issue imported from #M2929)


sysfolder.gif (2.17 KB) sysfolder.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-04-05 09:26
yellow_sysfolder.gif (2.44 KB) yellow_sysfolder.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-04-20 19:19
icon_yellow_folder.gif (98 Bytes) icon_yellow_folder.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-04-27 16:15
icon_yellow_folder_invisible.gif (131 Bytes) icon_yellow_folder_invisible.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-04-27 16:15
icon_yellow_folder_time.gif (132 Bytes) icon_yellow_folder_time.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-04-27 16:23 (1.65 KB) Administrator Admin, 2006-04-27 19:30

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #15986: pagetree iconsClosed2006-04-05

Actions #1

Updated by Dmitry Pikhno about 18 years ago

agree. would be nice to have smth like sketch in the attached file.

Actions #2

Updated by Kirill Klimov about 18 years ago

I could add that it is hard to recognize sysfolder on not so big resolutions also - so it is general issue...

Actions #3

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

I agree, a different colour for sysfolders would be nice. The yellow is nice, but a kind of dark grey would fit also well into the colour scheme.

Actions #4

Updated by Clemens Riccabona about 18 years ago

We also think that a little bit bigger difference of the color between folders and pages would be nice in common.
If you're discussing the color, here our suggestions:
Why not the yellow wich is used for the 'Images' in the module 'Files'?
Yellow is recognized as 'folder' by most users. (like in the windows explorer).

Actions #5

Updated by Clemens Riccabona about 18 years ago

sorry, the icons I submitted before had incorrect sizes.
The icons with the correct size are now in the *.zip

Actions #6

Updated by Dmitry Pikhno about 18 years ago

Martin, what about new pagetree icons in 4.0.1? btw, do you know who is responsible for this part of typo3?

thnx in advance

Actions #7

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

The original developers of of the skin seem to be busy. So it's propbaly now the burden of the Core team.

But mind that a skin is to some degree a matter of taste. I agree that sysfolders look a bit too much like ordinary pages. But yellow? Doesn't look bad, but personally I'm not sure if it fits into the colour scheme.

Actions #8

Updated by Dmitry Pikhno about 18 years ago

let's take icon fom fileadmin as base for sysfolder icon. there is nice GREY folder icon.

but personally me - i like yellow version. take in account that sysfolder is not very often used.

if you agree to add new sysfolder icons to the 4.0.1 i can help with making grey sysfolder package (common, hidden, time limited, ..).

Actions #9

Updated by Clemens Riccabona about 18 years ago

We have the yellow Icons in all our t3 installations and our customers love it.

My Experience is, that it is often hard to explain to editors, what a sysfolder is, but since we have the yellow icons, it seems to be more 'accepted' by them.

But for sure it's a question of taste. The most important thing about the sysfolder icons is, that speciallay on high resolution flat screens and on beamers the difference of pages and sysfolders is at the moment not visible but should be. This would be an accessibility issue. Even for people without barrieres.

And in addition i have to say, dmitry, we use sysfolders in nearly every project. ;)

Actions #10

Updated by Dmitry Pikhno about 18 years ago

"we use sysfolders in nearly every project."

i meant that usually sysfolders are not more then 10% of total amount of all pages in tree. so yellow sysfolders will not make orange pagetree.

and as said before - i like yellow version.

Actions #11

Updated by Clemens Riccabona about 18 years ago

you're right! the yellow folders are not 'overwhelming' ;)

Actions #12

Updated by Matthew almost 18 years ago

+1 agree also.

Actions #13

Updated by Stefano Cecere almost 18 years ago

+1! please add this to 4.0.2!!!!
i'd prefer to go a little bit out of the "color sheme", insted of having to wait another 6 months..
these icons are ready and very nice!

(and remember that the orange/yellow is not that out of Typo3 colors!!!)

Actions #14

Updated by Kirill Klimov over 17 years ago

If someone is interested, this issue has been fixed in extension t3skin_improved:
This is not the place to discuss it, you could use feedback form at for that.

Actions #15

Updated by Thomas Murphy over 17 years ago

Hey guys,

I did a darker grey Icon for the pagetree before reading this bug report, it's going into the TYPO3 version 4.1
I hope this one is ok for you.

Reason against colored sysfolder: breaks color scheme + yellow is a signal color which is IMO not reasonable here + quite useless for colorblind people


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