Bug #15907
closedCaption Split doesn't work with default setup for IMGTEXT objects according to TSref
Using captionSplit in 4.0 seems to be completely moved from the original Parameter to the caption Parameter. Thus removing the whole funcitonality of captionSplit for sites that re not using CSS-styled-content but simple individual setups of IMGTEXT.
Try this code snippet in 3.8.1 and 4.0rc2:
tt_content = CASE
tt_content {
key.field = CType
textpic = COA
textpic {
10 = TEXT
10.field = header
10.wrap = <h3>|</h3>
20 {
imgList.field = image
imgPath = uploads/pics/
1 {
file.import.current = 1
captionSplit = 1
captionSplit.cObject = TEXT
captionSplit.cObject.field = imagecaption
page = PAGE
page.10 = CONTENT
page.10 {
table = tt_content
While 3.8.1 will show you nicely splitted captions, 4.0 doesn't show anything.
Setting caption in addition to captionSplit will give you the captions back in 4.0 but as a whole block of all captions under each image, unless you setup a split function that does the job which was supposed to be done by captionSplit.
Since this split function is neither documented nor the default of IMGTEXT objects, this will be a blocker for all sites using captionSplit without CSS-styled-content.
I will dive deeper into IMGTEXT the next days to find out if there are other issues ...
(issue imported from #M3005)