



Bug #16157


filelist module translates all filename with non-acii characters to ___________

Added by Gideon So about 18 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Should have
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When you upload a file with non acii characters file name (for me, chinese), the filelist module translate the file name to ____.whatever. If you change the filename back to chinese in a ssh shell, the filelist module reads it correctly. Only when you upload with it cause a problem.

(issue imported from #M3511)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #16160: Support UTF-8 file systemsClosed2006-05-20

Actions #1

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

TYPO3 only handles ASCII filenames, so it auto-translates all unknown chars to ASCII. It does a transliteration where possible (latin accents, cyrillic), but will fail on all other script systems.

Actions #2

Updated by Gideon So about 18 years ago

Yeah. I know that, Martin. You explained this to me in the dev list. I post this bugs here cause I hope that this will be fixed one day.

Actions #3

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

IGideon, I remember. I repeated my answer for those who read this bug and do not know my answer on the list.

Although knowing my answer I had IMHO made more sense to file a feature request for UTF-8 filenames, rather than file a bug report for Chinese.

Actions #4

Updated by Chris topher about 14 years ago

Since 4.1 a UTF-8 file system can be enabled by setting forceCharset to UTF-8.
This will code chinese signs with three or four bytes.

Can someone please test, if the issue is fixed? My Windows does not support chinese signs in filenames...

Actions #5

Updated by Tolleiv Nietsch almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)
  • PHP Version deleted (4)

Solved with the utf-8 filesystem - works well for many of our clients. Therefore I assume this is not relevant anymore. Feel free to reopen this issue if my assumption was wrong.


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