Bug #16636
closedINSERT cache_hash ident value needs to be truncated to 20 chars manually
When inserting a cache_hash the field 'ident' is a length of 20. When the string is longer, MySQL will just truncate the value.
Postgres however, will not. It will fail the insert and throw an error.
This is bad. ;-)
This can be fixed by manually truncating the value that goes into 'ident' to 20 chars.
(issue imported from #M4363)
Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago
No, the solution is wrong. The documentation clearly says that the ident may only be 20 chars long. So it's up to the caller to supply correct values.
I suggest we close the bug (no-fix) and you file a bug with for the code (Core or extension) that produces the error.
Perhaps we could make the field longer to allow for tx_<extkey>_<info>. 20 chars is probably to small for such an ident.
Updated by Karsten Dambekalns about 18 years ago
As has been pointed out, this field is not supposed to hold more than 20 characters.
Please file a new bug report on the component that actually tries to do that - it should be fixed.
Updated by Michiel Roos about 18 years ago
Please remark as resolved . . .
Just to let you know that the essence of this bug lives on as:
Template autoparser is the culprit.