Bug #16805
closedError while entering a numbers like 50 or 50.00 into a double2 field
TCA definition of the percentage field:
'percentage' => Array (
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:tessinerrechner/locallang_db.xml:tx_tessinerrechner_employmentpercentage.percentage',
'config' => Array (
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '6',
'max' => '6',
'eval' => 'double2',
'default' => '100'
When I enter 33.33 in this field it works great. But when i whant to change it to 50 or 50.00, it gives me following error message:
102: These fields are not properly updated in database: (percentage) Probably value mismatch with fieldtype.
It displays an error message, but the new value will still be saved.
(issue imported from #M4689)