Bug #16880
closedfunction checkValue_group_select_processDBdata defines an additional argument
typo3_src-4.1beta2/t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php defines:
function checkValue_group_select_processDBdata(
But the file typo3conf/ext/smile_workflow/class.tcemain.php uses this function several times without the last element $currentTable. This produces nasty warnings.
(issue imported from #M4828)
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 18 years ago
The extension smile_workflow was last updated March 2005, that's some months ago. Please contact the author of the extension to get this fixed. To get this fixed in your local copy of the extension smile_workflow, just append ", $table" to the end of each function call to checkValue_group_select_processDBdata in ./typo3conf/ext/smile_workflow/class.tcemain.php
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 18 years ago
Since the error relies on an extension, it's not a TYPO3 Core Bug.
So, I'm closing this issue.