Feature #16974
closedProvide general AJAX call handler for backend functions/modules with mID technique
This is a feature request for TYPO3 4.2.
To avoid that every backend module has to create and use its own AJAX handler, a general handler class is required. According to the eID of the TYPO3 front-end there shall be a mID (module identifier) for back-end purpose.
The stack to register and enable a module and an action could look like this:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['mID_include'][<package>][<action>] = array(
'handler' => '<handler>',
'required' => array('<php-class-file-1>', '<php-class-file-2>'),
'encodeUTF8' => <boolean>
The extended Backus-Naur (eBNF) form of the key 'handler' could look like this:
handler ::= <static> | <instance>
static ::= <class> "::" <function>
instance ::= (<variable>|<class>) "->" {<object> "->"} <method>
variable ::= "$" <valid-php-identifier>
class ::= <valid-php-identifier>
object ::= <valid-php-identifier>
function ::= <valid-php-identifier>
method ::= <valid-php-identifier>
(* @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.php *)
valid-php-identifier = ? chars that are valid in PHP for variables ?
Currently affected parts of the TYPO3 core:
- Kasper's new backend functionalities
- AJAX page tree and file tree
- Inline Relational Record Editing
This feature could be used by any backend function of individual user extensions.
(issue imported from #M4966)