Bug #17266
Web>page and Web>list trigger ORA-01704 error
Added by Martin Kutschker over 17 years ago.
Updated over 16 years ago.
Database API (Doctrine DBAL)
I did a clean install of TYPO3 4.1 and Oracle XE 10.2 on Windows XP. I did not change any configuration of TYPO3 (expect DBAL of course) and did not install any extensions. But when I go to web>page or web>list (and other modules including tools>dbal debug) in the root page (the globe) I get the PHP warning "ORA-01704 String literal too long".
(issue imported from #M5535)
I found out that mediumtext (and text) are mapped to ADOdb type X, which means according to http://phplens.com/lens/adodb/docs-datadict.htm "Larger varchar, capped to 4000 characters (to be compatible with Oracle).". I think both Mysql types should be mapped to XL: "For Oracle, returns CLOB, otherwise the largest varchar size."
I tried changing the type in tables.sql and did change the column in Oracle manually. But as ADOdb still thinks the column is < 4000 characters it doesn't do the insert correctly with a bind and so the Oracle driver chokes.
Changing the mapping in class.ux_t3lib_db.php did not solve the problem.
Now I get (but not in all TYPO3 modules) an additional OCI_INVALID_HANDLE error. This one is in OCI-Lob::save(), the first one is in ociexecute(), line 1017 in adodb-oci8.inc.php.
I assume the error comes from an insert into the debug logging table. Right?
Should be fixed in SVN, I don't get the described error.
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