Bug #17394
closedChild records are displayed multiple times: using patch 5718
I am using the latest patch 5718 for trunk.
I have a parent record m:n relation to child records. I enter 2 child records and save everything with one save. Then everytime I select a child record from the select box it gets displayed.
However a child which is already displayed should not be displayed more than once. It should not be possible to have the same record listed so many times.
When I want to select the first child, then this is not possbible. Nothing happens. If I select the second child then the select box always switches back to the first child. This is wrong. It should stay at the latest selection.
(issue imported from #M5813)
Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago
Franz, I guess this issue has nothing to do with the copying of a page...
To prevent from using relations in a selector more than once, please use the TCA property "foreign_unique".
The point in this case is that you're using the combined mode - it doesn't make sense and is impossible to edit the same record at once with two versions. Thus, the combined mode requires uniqueness.
But having more than one relations to a child in a parental context makes sense, because you could set different attributes on the relation - e.g. a person is working at a company as project manager and as CEO - thus the relation "job position" is set twice with different attributes.
Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago
Is this bug still reproducible with TYPO3 4.1.2?
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 15 years ago
Resolved with no change required after missing feedback for > 1 year.