Feature #18954
closedpostgres schema support in core
Is it possible and planned to integrate sth. like the appended patch for postgres schema support within the core? The main problem is that the number of patches I have to apply with every new version grows bigger and bigger. I guess all postgres users including me do very much appreciate it. THX!
(issue imported from #M8707)
Updated by Oliver Hader over 16 years ago
Where should the patch you attached by integrated? What exactly is the problem and what's the solution?
Updated by Mangan over 16 years ago
It's an updated postgres driver for adodb (/sysext/adodb/adodb/drivers/adodb ...) that enables schema support. The problem is, that there is still a big lack of support for the new postgres features. So this is more a adodb/driver issue. Maybe we have to take this out here. On the other side, the patch helped me a lot and so I wanted to share it.
Updated by Karsten Dambekalns almost 16 years ago
The Postgres64 driver is rather old, there are newer ones in the ADOdb library. And if ADOdb needs fixing, the patch should be sent to the AODdb folks (we only package the library).