Feature #19270
closedTables in RTE have no counting rows/columns css class feature as contenttype table has
Rows and columns in table made with the contenttype table have counting css classes assigned like class="tr-0", "tr-1", ... "tr-last" and class="td-0", "td-1", ... "td-last". So it is easy to assign styles for each row or column to a table.
Tables made with the RTE do not have this feature, though the alternating feature is going in this direction ( http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/rtehtmlarea_manual/1.7.4/view/4/4/ ).
A patch which implements the counting classes the same way the alternating feature in the RTE is available.
(issue imported from #M9262)
Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 16 years ago
The proposed patch did not work correctly when rows and/or columns were added or removed form the table. Re-styling did not work. Please try the attached patch.
Updated by Thorsten Krohn about 16 years ago
You are right. I have tested your patch and it works fine with one small exception: The last-class of columns were not removed when "Removing Block Style". Find a patch attached correcting this issue (Changed just one character form i to j in "if (lastColumnClassName && j == n-1)" in "countColumns : function (table, classConfiguration, remove)".
I am attaching a modified version of the documentation change which states that the class names should not be a substring of any other class name.
Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 16 years ago
Yes, I noted that too.
Thanks again.
Committed to SVN TYPO3core trunk (revision 4064), including updated Manual.