



Bug #21194


Translation update broken

Added by Steffen Gebert over 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

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#21079: "dynamic update of translation status im EM is broken"
makes Translation handling submodule broken.

A few seconds after hitting "Check status against repository" or "Update from repository" only a blank page appears.

No PHP error, but anything with output buffers for sure.

This affects 4-2 and trunk (as #21079 was committed to both).
It's reproducible for me with both versions on different servers, als jweilandnet mentioned the problem on twitter.
(issue imported from #M12129)


12129.diff (1.65 KB) 12129.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-10-07 01:21
12129_v2.diff (1.72 KB) 12129_v2.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-10-10 00:18
12129_v3_trunk.diff (1.63 KB) 12129_v3_trunk.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-10-10 11:58
12129_v3_4_2branch.diff (2.31 KB) 12129_v3_4_2branch.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-10-10 11:58

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #21079: dynamic update of translation status im EM is brokenClosedRupert Germann2009-09-17

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #20938: SOAP error while uploading an updated extensionClosedSteffen Gebert2009-08-27

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #21236: Add API functions for cleaning and flushing output buffersClosedRupert Germann2009-10-11

Actions #1

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 14 years ago

I've attached a patch (12129.diff), which solves the problem on my mac - but on a production server it doesn't work (the whole status indicators (green bar + table) doesn't show up).

There seem to be two levels of output buffering, which all have to be flushed.

What the remaining problem on the production server is, I don't know.
Help welcome! This is an important issue!

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Hader over 14 years ago

Is there something in the webservers error log or PHP log?
On updating the translations I get a
"Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type V: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in /Users/olly/Development/typo3/trunk/typo3/mod/tools/em/class.em_unzip.php on line 951"

Actions #3

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 14 years ago

No, nothing in error_log - there's no error (also not the unpack()-error).
It's a problem of output buffering.
As soon as I remove zlib-extension, everything works fine. It seems to do additional OB, although it's always set to off (PHP's value and zlib.ouput_compression).

Even the following output is shown at once, not bit by bit. (using XAMPP on MacOS, PHP5.2):
echo "1";
echo "2";
echo "3";

This additional OB which is done by default seems to cause the problems.

I debugged it local and so found a solution, but I'm not able to debug on production server, but I think the output buffer there is just thrown away and not sent to the browser (as it takes some time until the buttons are shown).

Actions #4

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 14 years ago

The bug is gone after setting $TYPO_CONF_VARS['BE']['compressionLevel'] = ''

Actions #5

Updated by Oliver Hader over 14 years ago

Thanks for narrowing this down to the compression level!

Actions #6

Updated by Rupert Germann over 14 years ago

FYI: committed attached v3 patches to
4_2 branch rev 6131
trunk rev 6132


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