Bug #21212
closedUnable to create a page
While creating a page, I get the following error:
2: SQL error: 'Out of range value adjusted for column 'storage_pid' at row 1' (pages:NEW4acf04d853cbc)
I am a new user of typo3. I am using the latest version of typo3. How do I fix the problem?
My working environment is PHP 5.2.2, Apache 2.2 and MySQL 5
(issue imported from #M12163)
Updated by Peter Beernink over 15 years ago
Looks like this issue is the same issue as 0010487.
Are you running MySQL in strict mode?
If so, you should be able to disable this adding
to you localconf.php file
Updated by Sushil Bajimaya over 15 years ago
Might be. I did default install of mysql. I haven't changed any values yet.
Updated by Sushil Bajimaya over 15 years ago
Did that. Still get the same error.
Updated by Niels Fröhling over 15 years ago
Try 'SET SESSION sql_mode=\'\'', I don't think the above is enough. It's the fix of 0010487 in another way.
Updated by Sushil Bajimaya over 15 years ago
I worked now. Thanks for your help.
Updated by Peter Beernink over 15 years ago
My bad.
Should of course have been an empty SQL_MODE. I've copied this one from the conf which I used to try to reproduce the issue, and didn't empty out the variable..