Bug #21408
Various crashes in SQL parsing when using install tool to compare and fix database.
Added by Karsten Dambekalns about 15 years ago.
Updated about 15 years ago.
Database API (Doctrine DBAL)
I tried updating a rather outdated TYPO3 database and got a few errors.
When updating a table where the engine type is the only difference I get:
ERROR: Query could not be parsed: "SQL engine parse ERROR: No action CHANGE, DROP or ADD found!: near "ENGINE=InnoDB "". Query: "ALTER TABLE cache_hash ENGINE=InnoDB;"
When removing a field by prefixing the field type is missing:
ERROR: Query could not be parsed: "SQL engine parse ERROR: Field type unknown in parseFieldDef()!: near "(250) default '' "". Query: "ALTER TABLE cache_hash CHANGE identifier zzz_deleted_identifier (250) default '';"
When dropping all tables and setting up from scratch a compare gives tons of differences in engine type and field defaults...
PHP 5.3.0, MySQL 5.0.86, TYPO3 4.x trunk as of today, 11:00+1
(issue imported from #M12404)
Hi Karsten,
I tried to reproduce the described issue but wasn't able to. The error message you mentioned is produced by class t3lib_sqlengine which is only involved if there's a value greater than 1 set for $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['multiplyDBfieldSize'].
So I set this value to 2 but then I get only "Fatal error: Call to protected method t3lib_sqlparser::compileFieldCfg() from context 't3lib_install' in /srv/SVN/forge.typo3.org/Core/trunk/t3lib/class.t3lib_install.php on line 468"
This is a new bug which was introduced by rev 6280
If I set the method to public I get lots of sql errors - depending on the value of 'multiplyDBfieldSize'. But all of them are about key lenght
eg: BLOB/TEXT column 'identifier' used in key specification without a key length
lastBuiltQuery: ALTER TABLE cachingframework_cache_pages_tags CHANGE identifier identifier text;
but no Problems when changing the engine. Neither when upgrading from older versions nor when changing the engine manually in phpMyAdmin.
question: what is the state of 'multiplyDBfieldSize'? is this still needed?
I tried to reproduce the other issue you described: "removing/renaming fields"
works as expected.
are there any other special pre-conditions needed to get this errors?
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