



Bug #21445


htmlArea RTE: RTEs hidden on load not usable with multiple RTEs in a record

Added by Stephan Großberndt about 14 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Should have
Target version:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
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When a record contains multiple RTE fields, most RTEs are not usable (no cursor when clicking in the textarea, writing not possible). When content is in an unusable RTE, clicking inside correctly displays the path (Path: body»p).

According to Troubleshooting mode [enableDebugMode] everything should be fine (Additional Information).

This issue has been introduced after upgrading from 4.3.5 to 4.4.2.

Open a record that contains multiple RTEs.
When the active tab on loading the record contains RTEs, these are usable.
All RTEs on all inactive tabs except the last RTE in the last tab are unusable.

[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tx_sbseventica_event][NEW4c61507b526e8][description].
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin EditorMode was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key b was registered for toolbar item Bold.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key i was registered for toolbar item Italic.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 0 was registered for toolbar item CleanWord.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultClean was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key c was registered for toolbar item Copy.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key x was registered for toolbar item Cut.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key v was registered for toolbar item Paste.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CopyPaste was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Iframe baseURL set to: http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3/
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Override CSS set to: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/defaultPageStyle_ab79b3b912f9367850e8.css?1280477015
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Content CSS set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/default.css?1281085708
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Editor iframe document head successfully built.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tx_sbseventica_event][NEW4c61507b526e8][invitation_text].
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin EditorMode was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key b was registered for toolbar item Bold.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key i was registered for toolbar item Italic.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 0 was registered for toolbar item CleanWord.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultClean was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key c was registered for toolbar item Copy.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key x was registered for toolbar item Cut.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key v was registered for toolbar item Paste.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CopyPaste was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Iframe baseURL set to: http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3/
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Override CSS set to: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/defaultPageStyle_ab79b3b912f9367850e8.css?1280477015
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Content CSS set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/default.css?1281085708
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Editor iframe document head successfully built.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded ([Exception... "A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" code: "15" nsresult: "0x8053000f (NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR)" location: "http://YOUR.DOMAIN.HERE/typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_cumulative_41f59869ba2c958b0521.js?1280918596 Line: 977"]). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets successfully accessed.
[TYPO3Link::getJavascriptFile]: Requesting script ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/classesAnchor_0_54754aa1aed62c15e0fa.js?1280477015
[HTMLArea.Editor::generatePlugins]: All plugins successfully generated.
[HTMLArea.Editor::start]: Editor ready.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets successfully accessed.
[TYPO3Link::getJavascriptFile]: Requesting script ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/classesAnchor_0_54754aa1aed62c15e0fa.js?1280477015
[HTMLArea.Editor::generatePlugins]: All plugins successfully generated.
[HTMLArea.Editor::start]: Editor ready.
[TYPO3Link::ongenerate]: Javascript file successfully evaluated: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/classesAnchor_0_54754aa1aed62c15e0fa.js?1280477015
(issue imported from #M15415)


Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #23458: htmlArea RTE: RTE loaded in hidden tab not functioning after loading in FirefoxClosedStanislas Rolland2010-08-26

Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this issue, presumably with Firefox. Can you provide an extension that would allow to reproduce it?

Actions #2

Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 14 years ago

I have uploaded an extension to allow reproduction of the issue.

The important part afaik is that "'dividers2tabs' => true," is set, hence the multiple RTE are not displayed at once and the error occurrs only for those in tabs that are not visible on load.

Reproduce by: Create a Test-record via list in a sysfolder.
RTEs in Tab General work, RTEs in Tab1 dont, RTE "description 5" does not work, "description 6" does.

Save and close the record while Tab1 is active.

Reopen the record to edit it:
RTEs in Tab General do not work, RTEs in Tab1 work, RTE "description 5" does not work, "description 6" does.

Save and close the record while Tab2 is active.

Reopen the record to edit it:
RTEs in Tab General do not work, RTEs in Tab1 do not work, RTEs in Tab2 work.

Error occurrs in Firefox 3.6.8, IE6, IE7, IE8.
Error does not occurr in Opera 10.10 and 10.61

In Internet Explorer in the non-working RTEs the cursor for text blinks at the lower left border of the frame.

Actions #3

Updated by Thomas Maroschik about 14 years ago

Error occurs just in Firefox Windows, not Mac.

Actions #4

Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 14 years ago

For me the error occurrs in Firefox as well WIndows (XP SP3 w FF 3.6.8) as Mac (10.5.8 w FF 3.6.8).
Thomas Maroschik, please test with the uploaded extension.

Applied RTE config from root page:

RTE.default {
proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
FE.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
mainStyle_font = Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
mainStyle_size = 11px
mainStyle_color = #333333
hideFontSizes = 2,3,4,5,6,7
hideButtons = *
showButtons = bold,italic,superscript,subscript,orderedlist,unorderedlist,link,cut,copy,paste,findreplace,removeformat

RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.text.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.textpic.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago

I can reproduce the issue only in Firefox. I cannot reproduce it in IE8, Safari or Chrome.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago

The attached patch fixes the issue. Please confirm.

Actions #7

Updated by about 14 years ago

Tested the patch and it works. It works with Powermail (multiple RTEs in hidden tabs) as well as in the normal text CE (only one RTE, but hidden by default). So this one as well as #15567 is solved for me.


Actions #8

Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 14 years ago

I can confirm that the patch works in at least IE7, IE8 and FF 3.6.8 Mac (did not test the other browsers). Took me some time to find out how to get it working though:

The temporary versions of the js-files have to be deleted manually (clearing cache only did not work):
rm -rf typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea_* && rm -rf typo3temp/compressor/htmlarea*

Thanks, Stanislas!

Actions #9

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago

Thanks for testing!

Committed to SVN TYPO3core trunk (revision 8704) and branch TYPO3_4-4 (revision 8705).

Actions #10

Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF