Bug #21897
After upgraded to 4.3.0 no thumbnails in BE filelist
Added by henry over 14 years ago.
Updated about 14 years ago.
Server debian 5.0 lenny
graphicsmagick with graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat
all image processing test passed
was running typo3 4.2 thumbnails working fine
upgraded to typo3 4.3
same config except minor differences "new options in install tool set to default"
no thumbnail generated in BE filelist, no error just the name of the image, the page load never completes, never times out,never gives error.
I have tried upgrading existing site and fresh install with empty data base.
I have attached my localconf.php
(issue imported from #M13123)
Do you have safe_mode enabled? Did you search the Bug tracker? There are a few known issues with image processing in 4.3
Yes safe_mode is enabled and worked fine with typo3 4.2 I can still setup a new site on the same server using typo3 4.2 src and all works fine. Yes have read every thing I could find regarding thumbnails in the BE. Most were "a . path to IM issue" " b. IM not installed and working". Image processing is working all image processing test pasted. or "c. older version of typo3 with a note stating that the issue was resolved in the next version."
I have looked at 0012341
This issue deals with special characters in the file name. most of my images have special characters. However I tested created new folder put image in new folder named image logo.jpg cleared cache selected new folder still no thumbnails. It does seem that graphicsmagick is hanging and turning safe_mode off does allow thumbnails to generate.
So If it is not special characters in the filename what is it ? Any ideas?
No, the problem is that the [0], which is appended to every file name is escaped twice, when safe_mode is enabled.
[0] means: Take the first frame/page of the image. This is needed for animated GIFs and PDFs and so on and appended to every image file name.
0012341_v4_4-3_trunk.patch in 0012341 resolved this for me
With safe_mode=on
Resolved with issue #21360
Commited to trunk (rev 6722)
Commited to TYPO3_4-3 (rev 6723)
Commited to TYPO3_4-2 (rev 6724)
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