Bug #22242
closedIRRE: Inline elements of translated records are not coppied correctly.
In my example, i've got a parent with some IRRE children and translated parents with the translated children. When I copy the parent, the translated parents and the children in default language are coppied, too. But not the children of the translated parents.
This is because, the copy functions thinks that a copy process is a localization process, when language code is > 0. But in real, it can also be a copy process, when language is set.
In attached patch, it's a localization when $language>0 and differs from language code of origin record. When $language>0 and is same as language code of origin record, it's a copy.
(issue imported from #M13749)
Updated by Benni Mack over 14 years ago
I committed v1 (and then v2, after I found it) to trunk (rev. 7646 / 7647)
I committed v2 to TYPO3_4-3. (rev. 7648)