Bug #22340
closedAutomatically hiding Option Checkboxes and search fields on "empty" list view does not work
When you open a page in list view which has no records to display, it still shows up Checkboxes for "Extended View" and "Localization view" and a search form.
The functionality to hide these automatically is implemented but does not work anymore.
After computing the list of tables the list module checks if it has any output. If it's empty Checkboxes and searchform are hidden.
The problem ist that the "list of tables" output is never empty because t3lib_recordlist::writeBottom adds some Hardcoded HTML to the bottom of the table list.
Additionally note that rendering of the clipboard is inside the mentioned condition, so when no records are there the clipboard would also be hidden (you don't want that because you may want to paste records into an empty page). So the Clipboard rendering needs to be moved outside the if-statement
(issue imported from #M13942)