



Bug #22506


ds_pointerField holding a DB reference breaks

Added by Roman Büchler almost 15 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Should have
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I am having a table (tx_dscentral_ds) with a field 'fds' holding a data sturcture for a flexform.

In another table (user_test) the flexform to be rendered (fflex) is referenced to by a DB reference field (idds). The TCA for this field looks as following:

'fflex' => array (
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:user_test/locallang_db.xml:user_test_t1.fflex',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'idds',
'ds_tableField' => 'tx_dscentral_ds:fds',

In this situation the following error occures: Data Structure ERROR: The file "tx_dscentral_ds_1|Test%20DS%201" was not found ("C:/Program Files/TYPO3_4.3.2/htdocs/synweb61/tx_dscentral_ds_1|Test%20DS%201")

When changing ds_pointerField to a field defined as int it works (e.g. 'ds_pointerField' => 'fidds', where fids is an integer).

(issue imported from #M14210)


ds_error.jpg (39.9 KB) ds_error.jpg Administrator Admin, 2010-04-26 21:27
class.t3lib_befunc_synac.php (174 KB) class.t3lib_befunc_synac.php Administrator Admin, 2010-04-27 09:03
Actions #1

Updated by Roman Büchler almost 15 years ago

A possible solution might be to alter the function getFlexFormDS from class.t3lib_befunc on line 1188 as outlined in the attached file class.t3lib_befunc_synac.php.

Actions #2

Updated by Chris topher almost 15 years ago

Hi Roman,

do you know, that you now should send your patch to Core List to get it in?
Check out

Actions #3

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 14 years ago

Why don't you simply use integer field? This is more efficient than processing loaddbgroup format values...

Actions #4

Updated by Roman Büchler over 14 years ago

I am using the extension dscentral to organize data structures in records. In an other extension a table holds a reference to a record from dscentral holding a data structure. The goal is to enable the user to select this data structure record by a standard record selector form. Once a data structure record is defined for that reference field and the record itself safed the flex form can be shown in a field defined as flex. When using an integer type the user doesn't have the confort of selecting the data structure record so easily (he first would need to find out what's the uid of the record whos data structure should be shown as a flex form).

Actions #5

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Target version deleted (0)

The issue is very old, does this issue exists in newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (4.5 or 6.1)?

Actions #6

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Is Regression set to No

No feedback for over 90 days.


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