Bug #22506
closedds_pointerField holding a DB reference breaks
I am having a table (tx_dscentral_ds) with a field 'fds' holding a data sturcture for a flexform.
In another table (user_test) the flexform to be rendered (fflex) is referenced to by a DB reference field (idds). The TCA for this field looks as following:
'fflex' => array (
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:user_test/locallang_db.xml:user_test_t1.fflex',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'flex',
'ds_pointerField' => 'idds',
'ds_tableField' => 'tx_dscentral_ds:fds',
In this situation the following error occures: Data Structure ERROR: The file "tx_dscentral_ds_1|Test%20DS%201" was not found ("C:/Program Files/TYPO3_4.3.2/htdocs/synweb61/tx_dscentral_ds_1|Test%20DS%201")
When changing ds_pointerField to a field defined as int it works (e.g. 'ds_pointerField' => 'fidds', where fids is an integer).
(issue imported from #M14210)