



Bug #22509


Login in to the BE fails

Added by Claus Harup almost 15 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Should have
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After upgrading to 4.3.3 many of our clients cannot log in to the BE - they simply see the "popup message" saying that they are not logget in and should click the button to stay logget in, but it disappears within a second and returns to the login formular - it is impossible to login!!! It happens on different browsers so it not only a IE problem - although it happens more often on IE

(issue imported from #M14197)

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #22141: First login attempt to the backend fails every timeClosed2010-02-19

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #22277: Firefox 3.6.0 // Linux cannot login to backendClosedChris topher2010-03-15

Actions #1

Updated by Claus Harup almost 15 years ago

I have discovered that the value 'ses_id' in be_sessions does not match the cookie value set in the browser in which you cannot log in. Clearing the browser cookies does not work. I can login in Google Chrome but not in FF

Actions #2

Updated by Claus Harup almost 15 years ago

Setting your browser "In Private" solves the problem......... FYI

Actions #3

Updated by Chris topher almost 15 years ago

#0013812 is a duplicate and seems not to appear on Windows.
Is that the same for you?

Actions #4

Updated by Susanne Moog over 14 years ago

Is this bug still valid? Does the problem still exist?

Actions #5

Updated by Franz Holzinger about 14 years ago

BE login fails with the latest TYPO3 4.4.4 and 4.5 trunk with the Firefox 3.6.10 under LINUX.
It works with other browsers as Navigateur Web 2.28.1 and older versions of Firefox.

BE login does also not work with the latest Firefox 3.6.12 under LINUX.
It did work with a 2 month older version of TYPO3 4.5. trunk.

Actions #6

Updated by Franz Holzinger about 14 years ago

The backend login into TYPO3 4.5 beta4 does not work with the browsers Firefox 3.6.12, Epiphany (GNOME Navigateur Web 2.28.1) and Konqueror Konqueror
Version 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5)
Sous KDE 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5).
This is a new installation of TYPO3 4.5 beta4 with no other extension installed than those installed by the install tool.

It works with Internet Explorer 6.

Actions #7

Updated by Thomas Deinhamer about 14 years ago

It seems logging into the backend with a username which contains germaun umlauts doesn't work. Had to change 'รถ' to 'oe' and backend login works again - maybe related. TYPO3 Version 4.4.6.

Actions #8

Updated by Steffen Gebert about 14 years ago

Yes, there's already a report for it. Problem is md5.js, which is wrong.
I want to exchange that for 4.6 (as it's too late for 4.5).

Sidenote: Works with saltedpasswords, which everybody should use btw.

Actions #9

Updated by Christian Kuhn about 14 years ago

Resolved, unable to reproduce:

  • The 'unable to login with special chars if saltedpasswd / rsauth is not installed' should be an own (bugfix) issue if still valid.
  • Unabled to reproduce login failures with most of Franz browsers (some exactly at the same version).

Please open issues for concrete problems (charset, exact browser problems) if issues are still reproducible.


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