Bug #22823
closedHighlighting in typo3pageModule.js is disabled for each version of IE
The comment states that Highlighting doesn't work for IE and therefor all elements should be set to visible instead.
Again this is just a workaround, this time for a bug in ExtJS that uses the "mouseenter" and "mouseleave" events in a wrong way.
The problem now is to find an appropriate fix for this ExtJS bug or replace it with a hand made non ExtJS script.
The Code Cleanup Team will be working on it.
So please discuss this issue there.
When assigning these events to a div container, they only will be triggered when the mouse hovers over a text, a border or another "real" content inside the div, but not when it's hovering any kind of background (except "real" background images).
The bug is not caused by IE since a simple <div onmouseenter="alert(Test);">Whatever</div> works as expected in each version of IE regardless of any "real" content.
The funny thing is, that "mouseenter" actually is used by IE only and the ExtJS implementation is just a hack to make it work in other browsers as well. In this case it breaks the functionality which is originally working in IE.
(issue imported from #M14633)