Bug #23009
closedInstalltool bug with escape-signs in ['SYS']['setDBinit']
when using the installtool "all configuration" typo3 by itself changes something in
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['setDBinit'] = 'SET NAMES utf8'.chr(10).'SET CHARACTER SET utf8'.chr(10).'SET SESSION character_set_server =utf8'.chr(10).'SET character_set_connection = utf8'.chr(10).'';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['setDBinit'] = 'SET NAMES utf8\'.chr(10).\'SET CHARACTER SET utf8\'.chr(10).\'SET SESSION character_set_server =utf8\'.chr(10).\'SET character_set_connection = utf8\'.chr(10).\'';
the effect is ugly: all umlauts broken in backend. no chance to fix it from installtool. grrrr.
as I am rather a designer than a programmer I was glad to find an old version of localconf.php and repair it by editor
(issue imported from #M14882)