



Bug #23398


Fileupload via Filelist / swfupload doesn't upload anything and shows no message / Code 406

Added by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

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On a few TYPO3 Installations of the current release the fileupload with the new, glammurous plugin always fails without showing any message.

<b>Step By Step - Description</b>

1) I go to TYPO3 BE > choose file > filelist
2) there, i pick a folder (f.e.) temp upload and open this
3) after clicking on the upload button the dialog-box turns up on the screen where I can choose any file(s) from my local computer to upload.
4) while clicking on the ok button of my windows os dialog-box the ajaxupload starts to work. you can see the processbar fading to the right.
5) after this the right frame reloads and shows the containing files. The new uploaded file(s) is not available on the server and didn't transmit. also no message about fail-cause turns up on screen. it's just as if i didn't even accessed the upload button....

This problem turns up in about 5 or 6 TYPO3-installations which i've done with the each current version i've downloaded on before starting up a project.


Meanwhile I found a solution to workaround this problem by unchecking the "Enable Flash Uploader (requires Flash 9+)"-function in my "User Settings" under the "Edit & Advanced functions"-Tab. Instead of the multiupload flashy feature, the good old upload form appears and uploading works well.

<b>Step by Step - Workaround</b>
1) Login on your TYPO3 BE
2) Go to "User Tools" on the Left > "User Settings"
3) Then click on Tab "Edit & Advanced functions"
4) Uncheck "Enable Flash Uploader (requires Flash 9+)"
5) Clear Cache and retry upload with the good old static upload-function

<b>Where is this error message from</b>
Well, after testing this Uploadfeature failed in Firefox, I've tried the IE7, IE8 and Google Chrome as well as the Safari Browser. The problem still remains. No success in uploading any file via filelist. I've also tried to test it from different computers and even from mac and none of the tries worked.

Following changes or troubleshooting tries didn't help me out of this.

- <b>Update</b> of the local <b>browser - flash-plugin</b> version
- <b>unchecking</b> the <b>thumb-preview-feature</b> in fileliste
- <b>updating</b> file- and foldercreatmask tu full access (0777) in typo3conf
- changing value <b>displayErrors = 1</b> in the <b>Install Tool</b>
- <b>clearing</b> all the <b>temp-files</b>
- checking all accessibile error logs on typo3
- and some more tries which don't need to be mentioned

<b>403-Message</b> with error popup in one of the TYPO3 installations
There is one TYPO3 Version on which I've found the same problem with a message turning up on the screen after failed upload: this says error 403.

The correct message ist:
All of your uploads failed.

If this problem persists, please try another browser, contact your administrator or disable this "Flash Uploader" in your User Settings.

Detailed problem description: 403

After many tries, and a tip of Steffen Gebert (developer) i've checked the server access_log and also the server error_log and found following information:

<b>1) Log-Entry - 406 Code</b>
[Tue Aug 17 21:02:05 2010] [error] [client] mod_security: Access denied with code 406. Error processing request body: Multipart: final boundary missing [severity "EMERGENCY"] [hostname ""] [uri "/typo3/ajax.php"]

<b>2) Log-Entry - Some of the path seem to be corrupt </b>
(That's the message when I call script(/typo3/contrib/swfupload/swfupload.swf directly
[Wed Aug 18 14:04:04 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/httpd/vhosts/, referer: [^]

<b>3) Log-Entry - with RSA-Message</b>
[Tue Aug 17 20:17:43 2010] [warn] RSA server certificate wildcard CommonName (CN) `*' does NOT match server name!?
(issue imported from #M15491)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #21920: Improve error handling of massuploaderClosedBenni Mack2010-01-06

Actions #1

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Possibile this is caused by mod_security in httpd.conf? does this parameter have to be on or off for having the application working?
Somehow strange, the provider must have changed the value - because ameos worked fine bevor and from one to the other day - this feature and also the flash-uploader strucked....

Actions #2

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Manuel, I will stick to the 406 issue. Please have a look at, it's also discussed on the swfupload site here:

So please try adding

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
to your .htaccess.
But you can also ask your hoster, if they can help you (and if mod_security really has been enabled recently).

But I really wonder, why the flash uploader shows up no error - I fear mod_security completely drops the request, so the code 406 is never transferred back. Could you maybe check with Wireshark, what data is submitted and returned?

Actions #3

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Are all the affected installations on the same server / at the same hoster?

Actions #4

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Hi Steffen

Thanks for your fast reply. Wellt to be honest: Some on one Server (same hoster) work, some others don't. it's rather Strange. I've also checked out the things on certification. But all the certificates are installed on my host locally.

I've opened a ticket via my hoster's system and i'll post more information about after his answer. thank you for help so far.

Actions #5

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

But all the certificates are installed on my host locally.

So you are using SSL with self-signed certificates?

But this contradicts to the mod_security problem. Self-signed SSL only works with IE.

Actions #6

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

Still an issue? Can you confirm that it has sth. to do with self-signed SSL certificates?

Actions #7

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)

No feedback provided within 90 days. Closing the issue.


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