



Bug #23512


Browsebox broken since 4.3.x?

Added by Mattias Borell almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Should have
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When searches return more hits than $results_at_a_time, the links presented for additional pages of results are broken.

Reason: class.tx_indexedsearch.php:makePointerSelect_link() uses getElementById to find the hidden form elements to update, but the form elements doesn't have any id attributes, only name attributes.

Solution: Either add id attributes to the form elements (add ###HIDDEN_FIELDID### in makeSearchForm() ?) or use getElementsByName in makePointerSelect_link().

This came up during upgrade of a couple of installations from 4.2.x --> 4.3.5. The same code seems to be in 4.4.2.

I've tried it with the original css-template for indexed_search, as well as a modified one.
(issue imported from #M15656)


indexed_search_15656.patch (949 Bytes) indexed_search_15656.patch Administrator Admin, 2010-11-04 11:30

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #22469: Switching pages with browsebox dosn't workClosedXavier Perseguers2010-04-15

Actions #1

Updated by Mattias Borell almost 14 years ago

Oops, sorry, this seems to have been reported already... My bad.

Actions #2

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

where? please give us the bug number and we can close this report.

IIRC you need to adjust your template (or use the new version) - some ID or so changed...

Actions #3

Updated by Mattias Borell almost 14 years ago

The issue is mentioned in 0015597 and 0014130.

The easiest solution would be to add the proper id's to the two affected form elements in the template file. They are missing in the stock template file that came with 4.4.2, but if I understand the report concerning 0014130 correctly, a patch has been added to the tree.

Actions #4

Updated by almost 14 years ago

@Steffen: Xavier's solution in #14130 works fine.

The problem is that the corrections were only made in the outdated indexed_search.tmpl and not in template_css.tmpl.

Attached is a patch for template_css.tmpl, I will make a RFC.

Actions #5

Updated by Xavier Perseguers almost 14 years ago

Committed to:

- trunk (rev. 9274)
- 4-4 (rev. 9275)
- 4-3 (rev. 9276)

Actions #6

Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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