Bug #23672
closedhtmlArea RTE: Insufficient Check for BE / FE Context
There have been issues with the RTE in combination with EXT:solr. Solr reads TypoScript in the backend by instanciating TSFE. The RTE tries to detect whether it's running in FE mode / context. Due to the existing instance of TSFE the RTE then believes it's in FE mode and tries to load and merge language labels. This then leads to a fatal error as t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule() tries to merge an array with NULL.
The issue is easy to fix by properly detecting the FE context:
Described here:
I was able to reproduce this behavior. You would need the early access version though.
Exception call trace:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1: PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule() must be an array, null given, called in /Users/ingo/Projects/TYPO3/src/typo3_src-trunk_2/typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlareaapi.php on line 80 and defined in /Users/ingo/Projects/TYPO3/src/typo3_src-trunk_2/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php line 2073
t3lib_error_Exception thrown in file
/Users/ingo/Projects/TYPO3/src/typo3_src-trunk_2/t3lib/error/class.t3lib_error_errorhandler.php in line 106.
12 t3lib_error_ErrorHandler::handleError(4096, "Argument 1 passed to t3lib_div::array_merge_recurs…class.tx_rtehtmlareaapi.php on line 80 and defined", "/Users/ingo/Projects/TYPO3/src/typo3_src-trunk_2/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php", 2073, array)
02071: * @return array Resulting array where $arr1 values has overruled $arr0 values
02072: */
02073: public static function array_merge_recursive_overrule(array $arr0,array $arr1,$notAddKeys=0,$includeEmtpyValues=true) {
02074: foreach ($arr1 as $key => $val) {
02075: if(is_array($arr0[$key])) {
11 t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule(NULL, array)
00078: if ($this->relativePathToLocallangFile) {
00079: if ($this->htmlAreaRTE->is_FE()) {
00080: $this->LOCAL_LANG = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($this->LOCAL_LANG, t3lib_div::readLLfile('EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/' . $this->relativePathToLocallangFile, $this->htmlAreaRTE->language));
00081: } else {
00082: $LANG->includeLLFile('EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/' . $this->relativePathToLocallangFile);
10 tx_rtehtmlareaapi::main(tx_rtehtmlarea_base)
00522: }
00523: if (is_object($plugin)) {
00524: if ($plugin->main($this)) {
00525: $this->registeredPlugins[$pluginId] = $plugin;
00526: // Override buttons from previously registered plugins
9 tx_rtehtmlarea_base::enableRegisteredPlugins()
00494: // Enable registred plugins
00495: $this->enableRegisteredPlugins();
00497: // Configure toolbar
8 tx_rtehtmlarea_base::initializeToolbarConfiguration()
00320: * =======================================
00321: /
00322: $this->initializeToolbarConfiguration();
00324: / =======================================
7 tx_rtehtmlarea_base::drawRTE(t3lib_TCEforms, "tt_content", "bodytext", array, array, array, array, "text", "", 85)
01289: // Get RTE object, draw form and set flag:
01290: $RTEobj = t3lib_BEfunc::RTEgetObj();
01291: $item = $RTEobj->drawRTE($this,$table,$field,$row,$PA,$specConf,$thisConfig,$RTEtypeVal,$RTErelPath,$thePidValue);
01293: // Wizard:
6 t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField_typeText("tt_content", "bodytext", array, array)
00997: break;
00998: case 'text':
00999: $item = $this->getSingleField_typeText($table,$field,$row,$PA);
01000: break;
01001: case 'check':
5 t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField_SW("tt_content", "bodytext", array, array)
00908: // Based on the type of the item, call a render function:
00909: $item = $this->getSingleField_SW($table,$field,$row,$PA);
00911: // Add language + diff
4 t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField("tt_content", "bodytext", array, "", 0, "richtext:rte_transform[flag=rte_enabled|mode=ts_css]", "9")
00569: $this->palettesRendered[$this->renderDepth][$table][$parts2] = 1;
00570: }
00571: $sField = $this->getSingleField($table,$theField,$row,$parts1,0,$parts3,$parts2);
00572: if ($sField) { $sField.= $sFieldPal; }
3 t3lib_TCEforms::getMainFields("tt_content", array)
00772: }
00773: } else {
00774: $panel.= $this->tceforms->getMainFields($table,$rec);
00775: }
00776: $panel = $this->tceforms->wrapTotal($panel,$rec,$table);
2 SC_alt_doc::makeEditForm()
00538: // Creating the editing form, wrap it with buttons, document selector etc.
00539: $editForm = $this->makeEditForm();
00541: if ($editForm) {
1 SC_alt_doc::main()
01492: // Main:
01493: $SOBE->init();
01494: $SOBE->main();
01495: $SOBE->printContent();
(issue imported from #M15893)
Updated by Ingo Renner about 14 years ago
The issue affects TYPO3 versions starting at v4.4.0
Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 14 years ago
Committed to SVN trunk (revision 9005) and branch TYPO3_4-4 (revision 9006).