



Bug #24558


EM usability issues

Added by Georg Ringer over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Should have
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There are some usability / wording issues of the new EM:

- Tab "Local Extension List" is misleading as there are local extensions which are not the same here because this lsit shows also system exts

- cursor:pointer is missing on several places: arrow to open extension details / extension title

- if opening an extension info, already opened windows should be closed

- my extension shows "Error parsing json response: null"

- Check Validity seems not to work?

- Check Validity can't be stopped if there seems to be an error

- upload extension: no info if file is not a t3x besides a red line.

- upload extension: selecting a file shows "C:\fakepath\" as directory?? wtf?

- wrong escaping with entries in EM like username, repository name. "\fo" is transformed to "\\fo"

- Extension list in "Translation handling": strange order. also strange order of languages

- Local extension list misses version as seperate column

- "remote repository" what should this mean? my TYPO3 is already on a remove machine... ?

- "remote repository" > is there a sense in showing 2200 extensions onloading? will anyone use the pagebrowser to search for an ext

- "remote repository" > how can I update repo??

(issue imported from #M17015)


Screenshot.png (27 KB) Screenshot.png Administrator Admin, 2011-01-15 15:45
Actions #1

Updated by Rob Vonk over 13 years ago

Just some other usability issue.

If you refresh an extension it says 'remove' instead of refresh or install. See screenshot. I just refreshed templavoila from 1.5.2. to 1.5.3

I see now that it already was reported:

Actions #2

Updated by Georg Ringer over 13 years ago

Another one:
- if fields are added to a table and you go to EM > extension > there is no info that there is something to do ... the info is hidden under "configuation" ...

- tab title "configuration" is not that good in my eyes as the whole EM is a configuration ... what is to configure?

Actions #3

Updated by Georg Ringer over 13 years ago

oh dear ----

- adding new fields is not possible!!
=> EDIT!! > adding new fields is possible but 1st) the content of the tab needs to be reloaded which doesn't yet happen, 2) no flash message (only the one "configuration saved")

Actions #4

Updated by Steffen Gebert over 13 years ago

- filter is case-sensitive
- wrong icons in many places
- ...

Actions #5

Updated by Georg Ringer over 13 years ago

required extension (such as the pagetree) shouldn't have an icon to delete the extension. furthermore it shouldn't be just a sysext but a required ext - old EM had something like the "rg" in red

Actions #6

Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 13 years ago

Some, if not most or all the issues were already solved by some other issue. So please consider opening individual issues once 4.5.0 is out so that we can sort it out in future. Thanks!

Actions #7

Updated by Susanne Moog over 13 years ago

  • Target version deleted (4.5.0)

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