Bug #24633
closedpage/branch action submenus close whole menu on click
A very minor niggle, in the new pagetree the page/branch action submenus open on hover, however the entire menu closes if you click. To my mind a click on the main menu should just open or close the submenu not close the whole context menu.
1. right-click on a page in the new page tree to pull up the context menu
2. go down to page actions or branch actions
- sub-menu displays on hover, however
3. click on the menu entry for page/branch action and the whole context menu closes.
Suggested resolution?
configure the actions submenus to open or close the relevant actions submenu on a click in addition to displaying when hovering.
(issue imported from #M17107)
Updated by mark roemermann almost 14 years ago
This may be extjs behaviour rather than typo3?
I had a search for anyone else with a similar issue and there is this post on the sencha forums that may clarify the suggested behaviour.
"Thank you for providing the sample, Brian. While 'expand on hover' may be common behavior, 'disappear when clicked' isn't standard behavior when a menu item has a submenu, so that was driving me and our sales staff NUTS during product demonstrations, since we'd commonly click the "Columns" item on the column header context menu and watch the thing disappear."