Bug #24963
closedCan't copy/cut + paste records due to security token-blocking
In iist-module it's impossible to copy/cut + paste records from one page to another as the action gets blocked due to security token-checking.
Tested in FF + Safari, neither a re-login is done through popup like reported int #0017378 nor the cache got cleared like stated in #0017308.
(issue imported from #M17491)
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 14 years ago
Can you please describe exactly the steps you take to get the error message? I cannot reproduce this in a plain installation.
Updated by Katja Lampela about 14 years ago
I can confirm the same behaviour with Page module: I try to copy/cut a content element and then paste it into another column or same column different place, I get error message:
"Validating the security token of this form has failed. Please reload the form and submit it again."
With list module I can move elements though.
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 14 years ago
Please give me a step by step description, because I cannot reproduce it, also not in the page module. Here's what I do:
In Page module:
1. Click on a tt_content element icon
2. Click on "Copy" or "Cut" in the context menu
3. Click on a different tt_content element icon
4. Click on "Paste after" in the context menu
In List module:
1. Click on a single record icon
2. Click on "Copy" or "Cut" in the context menu
3. Click on the paste icon (in docheader, in header row of the table or in the record row)
All this works without errors, the records are moved or copied.
If you perform different steps, please report them.
If you do the same but get the error message, please post a full list of installed extensions here.
Updated by Katja Lampela about 14 years ago
I perfom same steps in Page module, after 4 I get the error.
In List module I can re-position cntent element normally, no errors.
Extensions I have:
- ics_awstats
- ics_web_awstats
- llxmltranslate
- de_reviewmails
- t3quixplorer
- api_macmade
- fh_library
- lib
- pk_save_form_mail
- static_info_tables
- div
- div2007
- fdfx_be_image
- kb_filequota
- rlmp_tmplselector
- stfl_saveandnew
- rlmp_dateselectlib
- metatags
- realurl
- tt_address
- sr_email_subscribe
- sr_freecap
- sr_feuser_register
- imagecycle
- kb_nescefe
- automaketemplate
- newloginbox
- jp_pageteaser
- goof_fotoboek
- sr_sendcard
- wec_discussion
(This is an old site and on re-building process, so many old ext that will be deleted as soon as the new template is working)
Please let me know if you need the System extensions too. I guess I should first uninstall the old extensions and then check what happens.
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 14 years ago
OK, I can reproduce the problem, when kb_nescefe is installed.
Michael do you also have this extension installed? If not, can you check which extension causes problems in your installation.
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 14 years ago
The attached patch fixes this problem in the extension for me.
Updated by Michael Bakonyi about 14 years ago
Yes, kb_nescefe is installed on both of my installations, so this might be the problem. Thanks a lot for the patch, I'll check it tomorrow I think.
Updated by Helmut Hummel about 14 years ago
Thanks for your feedback.
The patch might work, but since this extension makes use of XCLASS in other places, it might well be that the patch does not solve all problems.
Nevertheless this is an extension and not a core problem, so I close this ticket for now.