Bug #24977
closedExtension using stdWrap hooks are broken due to stdWrap refactoring
There is a discussion about an extension in the dev list, that implements the interface: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/ogonki/current/info/class.tx_ogonki_hook.php/
the problem in above case is that the $configuration variable is not read anymore...
function stdWrapProcess($content, array $configuration, tslib_cObj &$parentObject) {
return $content;
in debug it returns only an array:
stdWrapProcess 1
no more $configuration['glueOrphans'] is available, although it's in TS.
This is true for other extensions using these hooks.
The problem is in the way how tslib_content handles the $conf Array. It is intersected with an array of availabl stdWrap functions and then handed over to these functions.
This should not be the case with any stdWrap hook and actually it was intended to hand over the original $conf array to these functions, which unfortunately doesn't happen with the current code.
Attached is a solution that replaces as check for the non existant value "stdWrapHookObjects" with a check for the function type "hook".
(issue imported from #M17507)