Bug #25231
closedDefault value and description of deprecated forceCharset parameter are misleading
Since TYPO3 4.5 the usage of the forceCharset parameter in the Install-Tool is deprecated and the description tells you to find other ways to ensure U>TF-8 in your TYPo3 installation.
Now there are different scenarios that lead to unwanted behaviour in each case:
1. You updated from a former TYPO3-Version that used "forceCharset => utf-8"
2. You updated from a former TYPO3-Version that didn't use any value and you will find the default value in the intput field which is "utf-8"
3. You installed a new TYPO3 4.5 and you will find the default value in the intput field which is "utf-8"
The usual behaviour in any case would be to remove the value and save the form, which will lead to forceCharset being set to an empty value instead of being removed completely.
The result is a backend running the default charset of your server, which will lead to unwanted behaviour when saving forms with special characters like i.e. the Euro sign.
Actually the default value should be "-1" and not "utf-8" and the description should tell the user to either not touch this value or replace any other value with "-1" to get the default behaviour.
(issue imported from #M17837)