Bug #25690
closedcreating records using $tce->process_datamap() fails with _cli_scheduler user
I am integrating the extension ttnews_rssimport into a website and I am having trouble with this extension failing to create news records from the RSS feeds while being executed as a scheduler task.
Of course I have checked the scheduler task and it does run fine.
I have finally traced down the failure to create tt_news records from RSS to the execution of the command $tce->process_datamap(); which is used to create the categories and news records :
- While being called from the backend user this function does work.
- While being called with the scheduler user with exactly the same data passed as arguments it does fail.
After examinating Typo3 log, I have found the following error (thousands times):
"Attempt to insert a record on page 'Les Echos - France' (226) from table 'tt_news' without permissions. Or non-existing page. (msg#1.1.12)"
I have tried putting the user _cli_scheduler in a group which has powers to list and modify tt_news and tt_news_cat tables, but it has had no effect.
Then I have tried to give _cli_scheduler user all access on any item of Typo3, on any db mount on any workspace ... without success.
Last I tried to run the _cli_scheduler user as an administrator, but the scheduler doesn't allow this.
My extension is installed on Typo3 4.3.9 (I can't use a newer version since the client is stuck on IE6 by his administrator network policy)
(issue imported from #M17288)