Bug #36594
closedIn version T3 4.7 Indexed search (default - old?- version) throws an error
From logfile:
Core: Error handler (BE): PHP Warning: preg_match() [<a href='function.preg-match'>function.preg-match</a>]: Unknown modifier 'r' in ..../typo3_src-4.7.0/typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php line 1964
Core: Error handler (BE): PHP Warning: preg_match() [<a href='function.preg-match'>function.preg-match</a>]: Unknown modifier 'l' in ..../typo3_src-4.7.0/typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php line 1964
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1283790586: There is no entry in the $TCA array for the table "index_config". This means that the function enableFields() is called with an invalid table name as argument. | InvalidArgumentException thrown in file ..../typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/class.t3lib_page.php in line 1049.
From message on screen:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1283790586: There is no entry in the $TCA array for the table "index_config". This means that the function enableFields() is called with an invalid table name as argument. (More information)
InvalidArgumentException thrown in file
..../typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/class.t3lib_page.php in line 1049.
11 t3lib_pageSelect::enableFields("index_config", 0)
07232: $table,
07233: $show_hidden ? $show_hidden : ($table == 'pages' ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->showHiddenPage : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->showHiddenRecords)
07234: );
07235: }
10 tslib_cObj::enableFields("index_config")
00241: if ($this->conf['search.']['defaultFreeIndexUidList']) {
00242: $uidList = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $this->conf['search.']['defaultFreeIndexUidList']);
00243: $indexCfgRecords = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('uid,title','index_config','uid IN ('.implode(',',$uidList).')'.$this->cObj->enableFields('index_config'),'','','','uid');
00245: foreach ($uidList as $uidValue) {
9 tx_indexedsearch::initialize()
00115: // Initialize:
00116: $this->initialize();
00117: // Do search:
00118: // If there were any search words entered...
8 tx_indexedsearch::main("", array)
7 call_user_func_array(array, array)
06550: ), array(
06551: $content, $conf
06552: ));
06553: } else {
06554: $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Method "' . $parts1 . '" did not exist in class "' . $parts0 . '"', 3);
6 tslib_cObj::callUserFunction("tx_indexedsearch->main", array, "")
00053: }
00054: $this->cObj->includeLibs($conf);
00055: $tempContent = $this->cObj->callUserFunction($conf['userFunc'], $conf, '');
00056: if ($this->cObj->doConvertToUserIntObject) {
00057: $this->cObj->doConvertToUserIntObject = FALSE;
5 tslib_content_User::render(array)
00752: return $this->getContentObject('USER_INT')->render($conf);
00753: } else {
00754: return $this->getContentObject('USER')->render($conf);
00755: }
00756: }
4 tslib_cObj::USER
03267: break;
03268: case 'FUNC':
03269: $incContent = $INTiS_cObj->USER;
03270: break;
03271: case 'POSTUSERFUNC':
3 tslib_fe::INTincScript_process(array)
03204: $INTiS_config = $this->config['INTincScript'];
03205: $this->INTincScript_includeLibs($INTiS_config);
03206: $this->INTincScript_process($INTiS_config);
03207: // Check if there were new items added to INTincScript during the previous execution:
03208: $INTiS_config = array_diff_assoc($this->config['INTincScript'], $INTiS_config);
2 tslib_fe::INTincScript()
00365: if ($TSFE->isINTincScript()) {
00366: $TT->push('Non-cached objects','');
00367: $TSFE->INTincScript();
00368: $TT->pull();
00369: }
1 require("..../typo3_src-4.7.0/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php")
00076: // **********
00078: require (PATH_tslib.'index_ts.php');
00080: ?>
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 12 years ago
- Project changed from 1382 to TYPO3 Core
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Target version set to 7.5
- TYPO3 Version set to 4.7
- Is Regression set to No
Updated by Tymoteusz Motylewski almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I'm closing this issue as I could not reproduce it in the current TYPO3 version. Seems to be fixed in the meantime.
Please let us know if it's still doesn't work for you.