Bug #37082
closedOwner can't publish before creating a content himself ?
I'm experiencing a really sneaky vicious bug:
TYPO3 V 4.5.11
in a workspace draft
If a member create a page, my owner can't publish it.
If the owner create a page and then try to publish the member page, or his own one, it works...
Updated by Wolfangel Cyril almost 13 years ago
The error message is depending (if i use ACL or not)
[1.0.-1]: [newlog()] Error: You cannot swap versions for a record you do not have access to edit! ( but i can edit it...)
[1.0.-1]: [newlog()] You cannot publish a record you do not have edit and show permissions for, [1.0.-1]: ( but i do have those permissions )
Updated by Wolfangel Cyril almost 13 years ago
Another information, it seems that if the user who create a content or a page does not have the right to edit the page properties, it creates the bug for a validator even if he can edit everyhting.
Updated by Wolfangel Cyril almost 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Wolfangel Cyril
- Target version set to 4.5.16
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Problem solved, it was a "be_acl" problem.
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Category changed from Bugs to Workspaces
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces