



Feature #38464


Better handling of page localisation

Added by Stephen Bungert almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Should have
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The 2 page options:
  • Hide default translation of page
  • Hide page if no translation for current language exists

Are quite useful in multi-language sites, where one page-tree is used, but some pages are only available in a specific language.

I think what is displayed could be improved however. Instead if the standard TYPO3 error message, it would be good if you could set via pagetsconfig a page to show if the someone tries to view a page in the default language and the page has "Hide default translation of page" set.

Or if someone tries to view a page in a language where the translation doesn't exist and "Hide page if no translation for current language exists" has been set on the page.

You could then create pages in TYPO3 for these two errors, for each site with content explaining the problem (in different languages too, so that if you try and view a page in german and there is no german translation and "Hide page if no translation for current language exists" is set, you would see on the page that you get sent to what the problem is in german).

These should also not just be set in the install tool, but configured via page tsconfig as one page for a whole TYPO3 install is useless on an install with many sites and it would be better to be able to configure these for each site so that these "error" pages look like the site that you were on.

As a fallback, in cases where no page was specified in page tsconfig, the current grey typo3 error page could be displayed.


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