Feature #4302
closedGet rid of the "additional parameters"
This is just a thought and I would like your opinion.
A scheduler event is defined by the name of class used to execute it, which is stored (on the database side) in a field called "crid". The class name can be extended with additional parameters, using a syntax like tx_myext_myclass::a=2&b=3. The array ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3) is available as a member variable inside the task's class.
This is a mechanism I introduced into Gabriel a long while ago, when I needed a given task to be called for varying purposes. At the time there was no interface in Gabriel to easily add custom fields when registering a task, so I chose to extend the usage of the crid, since that caused the least changes in Gabriel.
Now there are well-defined way to add fields in the Scheduler task registration form and an API to match. So I'm wondering about dropping that feature of the crid and let it go back to what it used to be, i.e. just the task class name.
The advantages are that the API would be (even) cleaner and the notion of "crid" could removed entirely, being just replaced by "class".
Even for the usage for which I originally introduced this mechanism (extension: external_import) I don't see any real disadvantage.